Yvette Deas is a figurative oil painter based in the Bay Area, exploring the boundaries of human connection. Raised in NYC, Yvette was born to actor parents, and acted from age 2 to 13. At 17, she moved to Kyoto for a year and a half, then to North Carolina, to fly airplanes. As a flight instructor, she flew out of Newport News, VA, and Santa Monica, CA. In 1996, Yvette moved to Berkeley, CA to go U.C., where she graduated with Highest Honors and Phi Beta Kappa, despite having been a high school dropout. Yvette has held a variety of jobs: working with Alzheimer’s patients, developmentally-challenged adults and children, gallery coordinator, and bartender, as well as the video-game character, Bonk. In 2012, Yvette earned her MFA at Stanford, where she now teaches full time as an Instructor. Her Dissection Series is currently on view at The School of Anatomy, Stanford.

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Footsies, 60" x 72", oil on canvas, 2009